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[sc_heading align=”center”]Partner Activities[/sc_heading][sc_post_list post_type=”tribe_events” count=”4″]
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[sc_heading align=”center”]Delivering on social impact and social enterprise promise[/sc_heading]
Apprentice Network of young professionals. Join Facebook Group.
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[sc_heading align=”center”]Team Apprenticeship[/sc_heading]
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[sc_heading size=”0″ align=”center”]Our Amazing Community[/sc_heading][sc_testimonial][sc_testimonial_item name=”Gloria Dogbe” avatar=”3969″]I leave you with my favorite quote: “You can build a future out of anything; scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city of runes” -Lauren Oliver[/sc_testimonial_item][sc_testimonial_item name=”Dinah Larbi” avatar=”3974″]I am blessed and appreciative to be a part of this program, since it has revealed all my shortfalls in life and given me the opportunity to build my capacity.[/sc_testimonial_item][sc_testimonial_item name=”Prince Asare” avatar=”3981″]I acquired a lot of knowledge from this program and I want to say a big thank you to Impact Hub, Accra and Urithi Media. A very big thank you goes to Mr. Emmanuel Agbeko Gamor.[/sc_testimonial_item][/sc_testimonial]
[sc_heading size=”0″ align=”center”]Engaging Programs[/sc_heading][sc_post_carousel title=”News” icon=”lnr lnr-mic” link_text=”All News” link_url=”blog” header_bg=”4038″]
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Urithi engages in bottom-up project management in using media, technology and innovation in delivering on social impact and social enterprise promise.