Partner Activities
The major key is to have a solution-oriented approach that is empathetic and human-centered to challenges on our beautiful African continent. Meaningful […]
YouTube Huddles
YouTube Creators Huddles on Thursdays 2pm @ iSpace are engaging sessions where individuals, businesses and brand representatives can ask questions, troubleshoot and […]
Echo Partnership
THE ECHO STORY It seems apt that EchoHouse’s early incarnation as Ghana’s foremost youth agency – which has evolved into the grown-up […]
Event Schedule
Delivering on social impact and social enterprise promise
Apprentice Network of young professionals. Join Facebook Group.
Team Apprenticeship
Our Amazing Community
I leave you with my favorite quote: “You can build a future out of anything; scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city of runes” -Lauren Oliver

Gloria Dogbe
I am blessed and appreciative to be a part of this program, since it has revealed all my shortfalls in life and given me the opportunity to build my capacity.

Dinah Larbi
I acquired a lot of knowledge from this program and I want to say a big thank you to Impact Hub, Accra and Urithi Media. A very big thank you goes to Mr. Emmanuel Agbeko Gamor.

Prince Asare
Engaging Programs
All NewsY Dialogues
#VoteOnIssues the first Global Shapers Accra Hub + Y 107.9 FM Ghana collabo event this year at Impact Hub Accra was an immense success. Sponsored by STAR-Ghana The next #YDialogues will happen […]
Global Shapers
The Global Shapers Community is a network of young people driving dialogue, action, and change. From Santiago to Shanghai and Los Angeles […]
Default This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally […]
Unpacking Africa | ‘Rona and Me
Unpacking Africa: 2020 started with national lockdowns from Asia, Europe, Americas to the African continent in response to the pandemic caused by the CoronaVirus or Covid-19, with […]
Workspace Global: Creating A Business that Fulfills a Need
Sydney Scott Sam, MBA + Workspace Global: Study shows that 90% of all startups fail within their first five years. For the remaining […]
GBC 24 Interview with Moomen Tonight on Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
GBC 24 Interview with Moomen Tonight on Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. Emmanuel Agbeko Gamor is one of 50 Global Shapers selected globally to […]
Fake News & You
Digital Reputation Management with the University of Stellenbosch Business School Executive Education program in Sandton, South Africa. My colleagues and I are […]
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Urithi engages in bottom-up project management in using media, technology and innovation in delivering on social impact and social enterprise promise.